The current situation in Europe calls for an active Meijers Committee. The Meijers Committee Foundation ‘Stichting tot Steun’* was established in 2015 to facilitate the Meijers Committee, especially in the field of fundraising. The reason for the establishment is the need to attract new financing parties. The Meijers Committee is comprised of a unique group of volunteering professors, judges, lawyers and academic staff in Europe that systematically checks European proposals in the field of criminal law, migration, privacy and discrimination against the requirements of the democratic constitutional state. By reacting early and maintaining contact with legislative institutions, the Meijers Commission has made an important contribution to the rule of law quality of European legislation in the field of justice over the past two decades. For an up-to-date overview of the activities performed by the Meijers Foundation for the Support Committee, you can view our annual report. Please note that our annual reports are only available in Dutch.
You can choose from the following options:
Note: Members of the Meijers Committee do their work on a volunteer basis without remuneration. Only the members of the Secretariat are employed (part-time) by the Committee.
The Meijers Committee thanks the following organisations for their long-standing support:
Thinking of donating but would like to receive more detailed information about our plans for the coming years? Don’t hesitate to get in touch:
* Visiting address of the Meijers Support Committee:
Surinameplein 124III
1058GV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
By appointment only
Mailing address:
Surinameplein 124III
1058GV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail address:
Other ANBI details
RSIN number:
Chamber of Commerce number:
For more information about our policy plan, the composition of the board, and the remuneration policy of the Meijers Committee (Stichting tot Steun Commissie Meijers), we would like to refer to our statutes, which can be accessed via the following link: Stichting-Statuten stichting steun Cie Meijers
For the balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure for the past two years, see:
Jaarrekening 2023 – realisatie en begroting Cie Meijers