8 oktober 2024
The Young Meijers Committee
The Meijers Committee is recruiting motivated (law) students and young professionals with a strong interest in protecting the European rule of law to join its new initiative, the Young Meijers Committee (YMC), which has been established in response to the increasing threats to democracy and the rule of law within the European Union.
Participants will engage in workshops led by committee members, many of whom are academics from Dutch universities, covering topics such as legal and political advocacy, judicial cooperation with rule-of-law-challenged states, and civil society repression. YMC members will also participate in subcommittees within the Meijers Committee, such as asylum, criminal law, privacy & non-discrimination, and the rule of law. They will contribute to research, drafting comments, and recommendations on legislative and policy developments.
The Meijers Committee aims to inspire and prepare a new generation of legal professionals and policymakers to engage actively in safeguarding and strengthening the European rule of law by equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and practical experience to critically assess the EU’s current trajectory and develop solutions to pressing challenges concerning the rule of law. The overarching goal of the project is to protect the EU rule of law, now and in the future.
What is the Project About?
Who Can Apply?
This project is aimed at law students, students from affiliated studies and young professionals.
What’s in for the Participant?
Project Duration:
How to Apply: