Permanente commissie van deskundigen in internationaal vreemdelingen-, vluchtelingen- en strafrecht

Comment on promoting and safeguarding media pluralism through EU law

Media pluralism is indispensable for a well-functioning democracy. Yet, the EU has been unable to effectively counter illiberal trends in an increasing number of Member States, even if they are widely perceived as jeopardising media pluralism. Contrary to other areas of the rule of law, the European Commission has not brought any infringement case relating to media pluralism as a rule of law issue before the CJEU. The European Commission justifies its legal inaction with an insufficient legal toolbox and stating that it is, in fact, making the most of the tools at its disposal. We question this assumption and outline existing avenues for EU legal action to protect media pluralism in this report.

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Gepubliceerd op
20 oktober 2021

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